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LSPA Urges Covid-19 Vaccine Priority for LSPs

Earlier this week the LSPA sent a letter to the two Massachusetts Department of Public Health officials leading the Massachusetts Covid-19 Vaccine Advisory Group, urging them to consider appropriate Covid-19 vaccine priority for LSPs and other workers who address spills of oil and hazardous materials, and conduct waste site assessment and remediation. These professionals should be prioritized in Phase 2 of the Commonwealth's vaccine distribution timeline, as they are no less essential to public health and safety than sanitation, public works and public health workers, or water and wastewater utility staff.
Our letter provides more context and detail. 
The LSPA has also heard from MassDEP that the prioritization of LSPs has been discussed amongst MassDEP senior staff.  Our understanding is that while this is still in the process of being sorted out, the Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup has asked that LSPs be considered similar to MassDEP's Emergency Response staff in Phase 2 - just like waste water treatment plant operators and others.

We know that many of you are eager for your vaccine and we will keep LSPA membership apprised as we learn more.

Ethan Mascoop Presented with First LSPA Environmental Justice Award

At our December 15, 2020 member meeting, Ethan Mascoop was honored with the LSPA's first Environmental Justice Award. This award is presented to an individual or organization from the public, non-profit, or private sector for recent or continuing outstanding contributions in increasing awareness of environmental justice (EJ) issues and/or supporting EJ communities. Carol Bois, LSPA Past President, presented the award to Mr. Mascoop, MPH, MUA (Master of Urban Affairs). She said that "Ethan has devoted most of his working career to public service; he is a public health trailblazer and activist seeking to bring attention to areas that have historically been overlooked. Ethan was the Director of Public Health in Framingham, MA from 2008 to 2013. In 2011, I began working with Ethan on various environmental issues associated with MCP sites in the Town (now City) of Framingham and have witnessed his dedication to and action on public health issues firsthand, especially his commitment to improving public health for the underserved, such as Environmental Justice communities."
Ethan currently works as an independent consultant on housing conditions, indoor air quality, Title V compliance, and other occupational and public health issues; he also teaches graduate public health students as an Adjunct Clinical Professor at Boston University's School of Public Health.

While he was the Director of Public Health in Framingham, Ethan drove the City to become more of an advocate and active participant in decisions affecting local hazardous waste site cleanups under the MCP. The City has continued that legacy through the present day.

As one example out of many, he provided a voice to community health and environmental concerns about decades-long contamination created by operations from General Chemical Corporation, one of the largest hazardous waste sites in Framingham.

Ethan's efforts, supported by the Board of Health and the LSPs working with him, resulted in the company, the City, and MassDEP responding to the community's concerns - after years of the contamination languishing with little or no movement toward cleanup.

For his leadership, Ethan is recognized with the LSPA's 2020 Environmental Justice Award. Congratulations Ethan!

LSPA Unveils December 2020 Compliance Tip

The following LSPA compliance tip was presented at the December 2020 Membership Meeting, which was held virtually through the Zoom webinar platform, on December 15, 2020.  

During the COVID-19 State of Emergency declared by the Governor, MassDEP will apply its enforcement discretion with respect to the use of email to send notices to local officials provided that the sender employs some way of confirming that the intended recipient has received the email (e.g., using the read receipt function or requesting an email response confirming receipt).

It is expected that the proposed MCP amendments in the 2019 public hearing draft would allow email notification of local officials.

Click here to view all published compliance tips. This document is also posted in the Members Only section of the website under Technical Resources.

MassDEP Drinking Water Program: Private Wells PFAS Sampling Program

At MassDEP's Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (BWSC) December 3, 2020 Office Hours meeting, Paul Locke, Assistant Commissioner, announced that MassDEP's Drinking Water Program is kicking off its private well sampling program for PFAS compounds. Linked here are pertinent materials with more details:
Letter and FAQ about the MassDEP Private Wells PFAS Sampling Program
Check here to see recordings of Office Hours meetings.

MassDEP AUL Compliance Assistance Letters to be Mailed Soon

MassDEP has asked the LSPA to share the following information.
In December 2020, MassDEP is planning to mail an Activity and Use Limitation (AUL) compliance assistance letter to individuals listed in MassDEP records as owning a property at which a Notice of Activity and Use Limitation has been implemented.  This compliance assistance letter has been sent periodically (previously in 2010 and 2015) to provide property owners with a description of the nature and purpose of an AUL and remind them of their obligation to adhere to the terms of the AUL. 
The letter is strictly informational and generic (i.e., it does not reference site-specific AUL conditions) and does not require any response from the property owner to MassDEP.  MassDEP email and telephone contact information will be provided in the letter should the recipient have any additional questions or concerns.  A link to the generic letter is available here.   
Note, to avoid confusion, this generic compliance assistance letter will not be sent to those property owners with AULs related to Active Exposure Pathway Mitigation Measures (AEPMMS) that support a Permanent Solution pursuant to 310 CMR 40.1025(7).   Property owners in such cases are required to respond to an annual letter sent by MassDEP to certify the ongoing operation and maintenance of AEPMMs.  MassDEP will be sending the AEPMM annual certification letters in a subsequent mailing.

Action Alert: Urge Your State Senator to Support LSPA's Home Heating Oil Insurance Bill

Now that the Legislature has completed work on the state's FY '21 budget, it will make one last push on passing legislation before the session ends on January 5, 2021.
The LSPA's bill S. 594, which would require insurance companies to provide first- and third-party coverage for home heating oil releases, is still under consideration in the Massachusetts Senate Committee on Ways and Means. We only have four weeks to get this bill a favorable report out of committee and approved by the full Senate before this session ends.
We are asking for one last push by our members who are Massachusetts residents. Please consider writing to your state senator to urge their support of the bill. The more requests from constituents, the more likely our bill will be a priority of the Senate. Check here to find your state senator.
If your state senator is a member the Senate Ways & Means Committee and/or a co-sponsor of the bill,
NOW is the time to get their attention. Attached here is a sample email you can send. All senators' email addresses are on their home page.
If your senator is not a committee member or a co-sponsor, you should still write to urge her/him to encourage the Senate Ways & Means Committee to issue a favorable report on the bill. Here is a sample email you can send. All senators' email addresses are on their home page.
If you have experience with a home heating oil release, especially one in which the homeowner did not have insurance or had a difficult time obtaining coverage, please consider sharing this experience in your letter. Real life examples are most compelling, especially if your client's property is in the district of one of these senators.
For more information about the bill, please read the LSPA's letter and fact sheet, as well as a supporting letter from five state environmental organizations.
Please contact our Executive Director Wendy Rundle at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Thank you for your support; we will keep LSPA members apprised.
LSPA Legislative Committee Co-Chairs
Spence Smith, LSP, Jacobs
Tim Clinton, LSP, Fuss & O'Neill

EOEEA Environmental Dataset Portal: Drinking Water and PFAS6 in Public Wells

At MassDEP's Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (BWSC) November 12, 2020 Office Hours meeting, Paul Locke, Assistant Commissioner, shared information on a helpful resource: the Massachusetts EOEEA Data Portal, which is comprised of several Environmental Datasets. Datasets include asbestos projects, enforcement actions, and well drilling; also included is the BWSC's Waste Site & Reportable Releases Lookup page. 
The focus for this meeting was on the Drinking Water program dataset where one can search by public water system as well as town, class of well (Non-Transient Non-Community, Non-Community, and Community), contaminant group, and chemical name. Many per-fluoroalkyl substances are included in the searchable list of chemicals including, of particular interest - PFAS6.
At this time, private well sampling information is not included in this EOEEA database.
A link to this portal is also found on MassDEP's PFAS webpage.
The weekly BWSC Office Hour meetings are recorded and posted on this YouTube page
The discussion of the EOEEA portal begins at 2:15 minutes into the November 12, 2020 meeting and ends at around 15:30 minutes.

Steve Boynton Presented with LSPA Member Award

At our November 18, 2020 member meeting, Stephen Boynton was honored with the LSPA's 2020 Member Award. This award is presented to an LSPA Member in recognition of leadership, commitment, and contributions to the LSPA organization and membership over the previous year.
LSPA President Michele Paul presented the award to Steve, President of Subsurface Environmental Solutions, who has been an LSP since 1997. She said that "Over the years, Steve has developed and presented several courses to LSPA membership for LSP continuing education credits. These courses are typically on two of his favorite topics: NAPL and making use of visual technical tools in site assessment and remediation."

In terms of his demonstrated commitment, Steve has been an active participant in the LSPA's Education Committee; most recently he was instrumental in conceiving of, developing and presenting the LNAPL Regulatory Change, Guidance and Progress course. This course brought together Steve, two other practitioners, and Ken Marra of MassDEP for, by all accounts, a terrific 4-hour course.  

Not one to rest, last year, Steve also served as the Committee Chair for the LSPA's first Sole Practitioners' Group. It was this group that hosted the LSPA's first live webinar - on the Zoom platform. Little did we know how commonplace that would become! We have Steve (and COVID-19) to thank for forcing us to become familiar with this new virtual approach to content delivery.

For his leadership, commitment to innovation, and many contributions over the past year, Steve is recognized with the LSPA's 2020 LSPA Member Award.  

Congratulations Steve! 

Roger Thibault Presented LSPA Lifetime Achievement Award

At our October 28, 2020 member meeting, Roger Thibault was honored with the LSPA's 2020 Lifetime Achievement Award. This award is presented to an individual in recognition of distinguished and continued contributions over 25 years or more to the advancement of science, standards, or professionalism in the field of site assessment and remediation under MGL c. 21E.
LSPA President Michele Paul presented the award to Roger, who is an LSP at BETA Group, for his distinguished and continued contributions to the field of waste site cleanup and involvement with the LSPA. She said that "Roger has been an LSP since the inception of the program and has demonstrated a strong and continued commitment for nearly 40 years to the environmental industry.
Roger is a longtime member and participant in the LSPA's Technical Practices Committee and has been the Committee Chair for the past several years. He has facilitated and helped lead the committee into new initiatives in emerging technical areas including building science and vapor intrusion, climate change and the MCP, and remediation of PFAS sites.
A particular contribution of Roger's has been his dedication to mentoring younger colleagues who have gone on to participate in the LSPA and thrive in the industry."

For his work as an LSP, active participation and leadership in the LSPA, and commitment to mentoring young professionals, Roger is recognized with a Lifetime Achievement Award.

Congratulations Roger!

LSPA Unveils November 2020 Compliance Tip

The following LSPA compliance tip was presented at the November 2020 Membership Meeting, which was held virtually through the Zoom webinar platform, on November 18, 2020.  

Compliance Tip

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