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Ballot for 2024-2025 LSPA Board Elections

Voting is now open for the 2024-2025 LSPA Board of Directors election. Board positions will take effect July 1, 2024. 

There are three open seats on the Board for this election; the three-year term is from FY '25 through FY '27. Provided below are the candidates on this year's ballot. Please click on each candidate's name to read more about them.

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Notice of Ballot for 2024-2025 Board Elections

Voting will open on Wednesday, May 22, 2024 for the 2024-2025 LSPA Board of Directors election. Board positions will take effect July 1, 2024. 

Ballots will be sent by email to all LSPA members, both Full and Associate. We encourage all members to vote.

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LSPA Call for Board Candidates, By Tuesday, March 19

The Nominating Committee of the LSP Association (LSPA) is in the process of developing a slate of candidates for the three available positions on the LSPA's Board of Directors. These are three-year positions beginning on July 1, 2024. The Board is comprised of nine members, two of whom may be Associate (non-LSP) members. Current Board members are listed on the LSPA website here

We are posting this information in advance of developing the slate to solicit your suggestions for possible candidates, as well as to inform you about the process. The criteria that the Nominating Committee considers for a candidate for our Board of Directors include: 

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Congrats to New LSPs

Congrats to New LSPs

 Ten New LSPs Join the Ranks

The LSP Board of Registration recently announced that the following ten new LSPs passed the exam in early November. The LSPA congratulates each of them on this impressive accomplishment and applauds this new milestone in their practice. 

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LSPA Election Results and Board Transitions

The LSPA Board is pleased to announce that three candidates have been elected to the LSPA Board of Directors for three-year terms from FY '24 through FY '26.

  • Lars Andresen, Office Practice Leader, TRC Companies. Mr. Andresen will begin his three-year term on July 1, 2023.
  • Katherine E. Kudzma, LSP, Director, Site Investigation & Remediation, VHBMs. Kudzma will begin her three-year term on July 1, 2023.
  • Amy A. Roth, P.G., LSP, Vice President, Wilcox & Barton, Inc. Ms. Roth will begin her three-year term on July 1, 2023.

Congratulations to the new LSPA Board members and thank you to all LSPA members who voted. 

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Notice of Ballot for 2023-2024 Board Elections

Voting will open on Thursday, May 25, 2023 for the 2023-2024 LSPA Board of Directors election. Board positions will take effect July 1, 2023. 

Ballots will be sent by email to all LSPA members, both Full and Associate. We encourage all members to vote.

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Coming Soon - LSPA Ballot for 2023 Board Election

Voting will open on Thursday, May 25, 2023 for the 2023-2024 LSPA Board of Directors election. Board positions will take effect July 1, 2023. 

Ballots will be sent by email to all LSPA members, both Full and Associate. We encourage all members to vote.

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LSPA Election Results and Board Transitions

The LSPA Board is pleased to announce that three candidates have been elected to the LSPA Board of Directors for three year terms from FY '23 through FY '25:

  • Katherine Dilawari, PE, LSP, Principal, Contaminated Site Management, Haley & Aldrich, Inc. Ms. Dilawari will begin her 3-year term on July 1, 2022. 
  • Timothy Nevins, LSP, CHMM, Senior Principal Scientist, Alliance Environmental Group/An F.W. Webb Company. Mr. Nevins will begin his first 3-year term on July 1, 2022. 
  • Joseph Roman, LSP, Environmental Division Manager, GEI Consultants. Mr. Roman will begin his second 3-year term on July 1, 2022. He will continue to serve as LSPA Treasurer.

Thank you to all who voted.

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Coming Soon - LSPA Ballot for 2022 Board Election

Voting will open on Tuesday, May 24, 2022 for the 2022-2023 LSPA Board of Directors election. Board positions will take effect July 1, 2022. 
Ballots will be sent by email to all LSPA members, both Full and Associate. We encourage all members to vote.
The LSPA's 9-member Board of Directors is composed of LSPA members who combine experience in environmental work with a passion for supporting and promoting the LSP practice. Current LSPA Board members are shown here.
There are three open seats on the Board for this election; the three year term is from FY '23 through FY '25. Provided below are the candidates on this year's ballot. Please click on each candidate's name to read more about them.
To view all the candidates' statements of interest, please click here
New Board members will be announced at the LSPA monthly membership meeting on Tuesday, June 21, 2022, which will be held from 3:45 PM to 5:15 PM as a live webinar.
Please note that voting will close on Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 5 PM.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director at [email protected].

Thank you,
David E. Leone, LSP
LSP Association President

LSPA Election Results and Board Transitions

The LSPA Board is pleased to announce that three candidates have been elected to the LSPA Board of Directors for 2021 - 2024:
  • David Leone, LSP, Associate Principal, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Mr. Leone will begin his second 3-year term on July 1, 2021. He will serve as LSPA President from 2021-2022. 
  • Crista Trapp, Human Health Risk Assessor and Senior Scientist, The Vertex Companies, Inc.. Ms. Trapp will begin her first 3-year term on July 1, 2021. 
  • Charles Young, LSP, Associate and Senior Environmental Project Manager, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. Mr. Young will begin his second 3-year term on July 1, 2021. He will serve as LSPA President-Elect from 2021-2022.  
Thank you to all who voted. We received 109 completed ballots. 
At the end of June 2021, LSPA Board Member Marilyn Wade's Board term will come to an end. Marilyn is a Managing Engineer at Brown and Caldwell. She has been on the LSPA Board in one capacity or another since July 2013. She served as LSPA Treasurer and most importantly, was the first LSPA President ever to serve two consecutive terms, from July 2017 through June 2019. She also served two terms as Past President. Marilyn, we thank you for your many and continuing contributions to the LSPA and the practice. 
We feel fortunate to have a vibrant association led by such skilled and dedicated professionals.

Coming Soon - LSPA Ballot for 2021 Board Election

Voting will open on Friday, May 14, 2021 for the 2021-2022 LSPA Board of Directors election. Board positions will take effect July 1, 2021. 
Ballots will be sent by email to all LSPA members, both Full and Associate. We encourage all members to vote.
The LSPA's 9-member Board of Directors is composed of LSPA members who combine experience in environmental work with a passion for supporting and promoting the LSP practice. Current LSPA Board members are shown here.
There are three open seats on the Board for this election; the three year term is from FY '22 through FY '24. Provided below are the candidates on this year's ballot. Please click on each candidate's name to read more about them.
To view all the candidates' statements of interest, please click here
New Board members will be announced at the LSPA monthly membership meeting on Thursday, June 17, 2021, which will be held from 3:45 PM to 5:30 PM as a live webinar.
Please note that voting will close on Monday, June 14, 2021, at 5 PM.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director at [email protected].

LSPA Board Election - Candidates for the Ballot

Each year, the Nominating Committee of the LSPA compiles a list of candidates who have expressed an interest in serving on the LSPA Board of Directors. These candidates present themselves to the Nominating Committee, are recommended by an LSPA member, or are approached due to their leadership positions within the LSPA. Annually in the spring, the LSPA Nominating Committee presents its recommendations for candidates to the LSPA Board. 
The LSPA's 9-member Board of Directors is composed of LSPA members who combine experience in environmental work with a passion for supporting and promoting the LSP practice. We have three, 3-year positions opening on the Board for the upcoming fiscal year.
The Board has accepted the following candidates for inclusion on the ballot for 3-year terms (2021 - 2024) on the Board of Directors:
  • Crista Trapp, Senior Scientist and Human Health Risk Assessor, The Vertex Companies Inc., Boston and Weymouth, MA. Crista is a member of the LSPA's Loss Prevention Committee and has served as the Committee Chair since 2017.
  • David Leone, LSP, Associate Principal, GZA GeoEnvironmental Inc., Norwood, MA. Dave is completing his first 3-year term on the LSPA Board and is currently the LSPA President Elect. He is a former Co-Chair of the LSPA's Regulations Committee. Dave has been an LSP since 2011.
  • Charles Young, LSP, Associate/Senior Environmental Project Manager, Stantec, Quincy, MA. Charles is currently serving as an LSPA Director at Large and is completing his first 3-year term on the LSPA Board. Charles has been an LSP since 2015.
The Board of Directors believes that these three candidates have demonstrated their commitment to the Association and are well-positioned to ensure its continuing success.
Petitioning to be Placed on the Ballot
Are you or someone you know interested in being a candidate for the LSP Association Board?
If so, you have until April 26, 2021 to be included on the ballot.
The LSPA bylaws allow for a candidate who obtains a written petition, signed by at least 10 Full and/or Associate LSPA members in good standing, and submitted 30 days in advance of the election, to be placed on the ballot for election. 
Please submit your petition on or before Monday, April 26, 2021 to Kristi Lefebvre, LSPA Communications Manager at [email protected].
Information about the LSPA Board of Director's slate of Candidates and any other candidates nominated by petition will be posted at in early May, as well as emailed to all LSPA members.   
Ballots with the final slate of candidates will be provided in mid-May to all Full and Associate LSPA members. 
If you have questions or comments, please contact Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director at [email protected] or 617-417-4351.
Thank you for your participation,
Michele Paul, LSP
LSPA President

Seeking Your Nominations: LSPA Environmental Justice Award

The LSP Association (LSPA) requests your nominations for our 2020 "Contribution to the Practice" Awards in a new category: The LSPA Environmental Justice Award.
This award category was approved by the LSPA Board in early September 2020 as one action the LSPA can take to increase awareness of Environmental Justice (EJ) issues and support environmental justice communities.
In Massachusetts, a neighborhood is defined as an Environmental Justice population if any of the following are true:
  • Block group whose annual median household income is equal to or less than 65 percent of the statewide median ($62,072 in 2010); or
  • 25% or more of the residents identify as a race other than white; or
  • 25% or more of households have no one over the age of 14 who speaks English only or very well
Learn more here.
The LSPA Environmental Justice Award is presented to an individual or organization from the public, non-profit, or private sector for recent or continuing outstanding contributions in increasing awareness of EJ issues and/or supporting EJ communities.
This year, the award will be presented at the LSPA December 2020 Membership Meeting webinar.
If you wish to nominate a deserving person and/or organization, please email Kristi Lefebvre, LSPA Communications Mangager, at [email protected] with the nominee's name and supporting materials. The deadline for nominations is Wednesday, September 30, 2020.
Nomination applications should include the following:
  • The name and affiliation of the nominator and his or her relationship to the nominee.
  • For individuals, the name and title of the nominee and organization with which s/he is associated. For organizations, include the name and title of the key contact, and the specific name of the division, office, or department nominated. Be as specific as possible.
  • A narrative statement of no more than 2 pages describing the focus of the nomination and the nature of the nominee's contributions. The nominator will be contacted if the LSPA Board requires additional information.  
The LSPA Board of Directors will review the letters of nomination and supporting materials for all nominees, and will contact references if appropriate. The Board will discuss and then vote on nominees. Awards are made at the sole discretion of the LSPA Board of Directors. Awards are not always made in each category. There may be more than one award presented in any category.
Read here for more information about the LSPA's other Contribution to the Practice Award categories.
To view the list of prior award recipients, please click here.
Michele Paul, LSP, President

LSPA Announces Election Results and Board Transitions

The LSPA Board is pleased to announce that three candidates have been elected to the LSPA Board of Directors for 2020 - 2023:
Thank you to all who voted. We received 150 completed ballots. 
At the end of June 2020, LSPA Board Member Jeanine Grachuk's Board term will come to an end. Jeanine is an environmental attorney and Partner at Beveridge & Diamond P.C. We thank her for her many contributions as a Board member and Clerk.  

We feel fortunate to have a vibrant association led by such skilled and dedicated professionals
David Leone, LSP
LSPA President-Elect, 2020-2021

COVID-19 Information

Dear Friends:

The LSPA Board and staff are staying abreast of updates from the CDC, MEMA, and the MA Governor's Office regarding COVID-19, the Coronavirus. We realize the situation is quickly changing and will inform our membership as soon as possible should the LSPA decide to postpone or cancel any plans or events.

We encourage every individual to make the best decision for themselves about whether or not to attend an event. Should you decide to not attend an event for which you have already paid and registered, please contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with a full refund.

See the Situational Awareness Statement #1 here from MEMA, March 7,2020, along with this poster. Read a Press Release here from the Governor's Office, March 4, 2020.

The LSPA received an email from MA Energy and Environment Secretary Theoharides on Friday, March 6th which we have copied below. She wrote that:

Although Massachusetts remains low risk, state officials continue to coordinate with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and implement CDC guidance. To provide you with updated information, I wanted to forward a press release issued earlier this week by the Administration. In it, you will find information about ongoing efforts as well as resources for additional information on COVID-19.
Additionally, going forward you will be receiving updates directly from the Administration regarding continued efforts and updated information.
As a reminder, people are advised to take many of the same steps they do to help prevent colds and the flu, including:
  • Wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your eyes and face.
  • Clean things that are frequently touched (like doorknobs and countertops) with household cleaning spray or wipes.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow.
  • Stay home when feeling sick.
  • Stay informed.
  • Get a flu shot.
We will be in touch.
Be well.
Michele Paul, LSP
LSPA President

LSPA Election Results and Board Changes

The LSPA Board is pleased to announce that three candidates have been elected to the LSPA Board of Directors for 2019 - 2022:
  •  Patrick Corcoran, LSP, Senior Project Manager, ATC Group Services. Mr. Corcoran will begin his second 3-year term on July 1, 2019. 
  •  Joseph Roman, LSP, Senior Project Manager and Human Health Risk Assessor, GEI Consultants, Inc. Mr. Roman will begin his first 3-year term on July 1, 2019. 
  • Matthew Young, Senior Project Manager, Environmental, Cumberland Farms. Mr. Young will begin his second 3-year term on July 1, 2019. 
At the end of June 2019, LSPA Past President Mike Penzo's Board term will come to an end. Mike is an LSP at Penzo Consulting and faculty at two area universities. We thank him for his contributions as a Board member, President, and Past President. We are confident that his legacy work supporting students and encouraging their involvement in the LSPA will not end with his Board term. 

Coming Soon - LSPA Ballot for 2019 Board Election

Voting will open on Friday, May 17, 2019 for the 2019-2020 LSP Association (LSPA) Board of Directors election. Board positions will take effect July 1, 2019. 
Ballots will be sent by email to all LSPA members, both Full and Associate. We encourage all members to vote.
The LSPA's 9-member Board of Directors is composed of LSPA members who combine experience in environmental work with a passion for supporting and promoting the LSP practice. Current LSPA Board members are shown here.
There are three open seats on the Board for this election; the term length is from FY '19 through FY '22. Provided below are the four candidates on this year's ballot. Please click on each candidate's name to read more about him.
The LSPA Board nominated three candidates for the ballot. 
The LSPA Bylaws allow for a candidate who obtains a written petition, signed by at least 10 Full and/or Associate LSPA members in good standing, and submitted 30 days in advance of the election, to be placed on the ballot for election.  

The LSPA Bylaws state "Of the nine members on the Board, up to two Director positions may be filled by Associate members."  The two current Board members who are Associate (non-LSP) LSPA members are Jeanine Grachuk and Matthew Young.  

To view all the candidates' statements of interest, photos, and responses to LSPA Board questions, click here.
New Board members will be announced at the LSPA monthly membership meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2019 at the Hilton Hotel in Woburn, MA, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM.
Please note that voting will close on June 7, 2019, at 5 PM.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director at [email protected] or 617-484-4027.
Thank you,
Marilyn Wade, LSP
LSP Association President

LSPA Announces New Officers and New Board Members for FY19

The LSP Association (LSPA) recently announced leadership changes to the Board of Directors as well as the election of two new Board members. These changes went into effect on July 1, 2018 and were announced to the membership at the LSPA monthly meeting, which was held on June 13, 2018 in Taunton, MA.  

The LSPA welcomes two new Board members:
  • David Leone, LSP, Associate Principal with GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. of Norwood, MA,  Director at Large.
  • Charles Young, LSP, Senior Environmental Project Manager at Stantec, of Quincy, MA, Director at Large.

Officers for this fiscal year are: 

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LSPA Announces the Election of New Board Members

The LSP Association (LSPA) is pleased to announce that two new At-Large members were elected to the Board of Directors: David Leone, LSP, Associate Principal, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Norwood and Charles Young, LSP, Associate and Senior Environmental Project Manager, Stantec, Quincy were elected by LSPA members in early June. Their three year terms begin on July 1, 2018.   

(Shown on Left: David Leone, Shown on Right: Charles Young)

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Coming Soon - LSPA Ballot for 2018 Board Election

Voting will open on Friday, May 18, 2018 for the 2018-2019 LSP Association (LSPA) Board of Directors election. Board positions will take effect July 1, 2018. 
Ballots will be sent by email to all LSPA members, both Full and Associate. We encourage all members to vote.
The LSPA's 9-member Board of Directors is composed of LSPA members who combine experience in environmental work with a passion for supporting and promoting the LSP practice. Current LSPA Board members are shown here.
Provided below are the candidates on this year's ballot. There were no members who petitioned to be on the election ballot. 
Two 3-year positions, 2018 - 2021:
  • David Leone, LSP, Associate Principal, GZA GeoEnvironmental, Norwood, MA.  David Leone is a longtime member of the LSPA Regulations Committee, including having served as the Co-Chair from 2014 to 2017.
  • Charles Young, LSP, Associate and Senior Environmental Project Manager, Stantec, Quincy, MA.  Charles has been Co-Chair of the Member Services & Program Committee for the past eight years, and also active in planning LSPA's annual dinner and other events. 
The Board of Directors believe that these two candidates have demonstrated their commitment to the Association and are well-positioned to ensure its continuing success.
To view the candidates' statements of interest and photos, click here.
New Board members will be announced at the LSPA monthly membership meeting on Wednesday, June 13, 2018 at the Holiday Inn in Taunton, MA, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM.

Please note that voting will close on June 8, 2018, at 5 PM.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director at [email protected] or 617-484-4027.
Thank you,
Marilyn Wade, LSP
LSP Association President