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LSPA Awards WES Professional Practice Grant to Haley & Aldrich Team

LSPA Awards WES Professional Practice Grant to Haley & Aldrich Team

The LSPA is pleased to announce that a WES Professional Practice Grant has been awarded to the Haley & Aldrich team of Richard Rago, Kristina McCarthy, and Jane Parkin Kullman for their  proposal entitled “Background Indoor Air Levels of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and Air-Phase Petroleum Hydrocarbons (APH) in Office Buildings, Commercial Buildings, and Schools."  This is the first WES Grant awarded since its inception.

MassDEP Releases New PCE Unit Risk Factor

By:  Denise Kmetzo, DABT, Collaborative Risk Solutions, and Technical Practices Committee

Tetrachloroethylene, or PCE, is recognized as a toxic chemical and is considered likely to be carcinogenic in humans by all routes of exposure. The degree of its toxicity has been debated for years, especially for the inhalation route of exposure. Two years ago, the EPA finalized PCE toxicity factors, including an inhalation Unit Risk (UR) factor, which is used to assess carcinogenic risk via inhalation. The LSPA encouraged MassDEP to adopt the EPA toxicity values, including the UR. Instead, during its recent reevaluation of PCE toxicity, MassDEP’s Office of Research and Standards (ORS) relied upon a UR for PCE that it had previously derived.  In January 2014, MassDEP released an updated PCE UR which is lower (i.e., less conservative) than MassDEP’s previously derived value, but remains greater than ten times higher (i.e., more conservative) than the EPA value.  

Redevelop Brownfields Safely

Redevelop Brownfields Safely

Read the Boston Globe editorial "Redevelop brownfields safely - new state rules will help" (April 14, 2014). An LSPA letter provided background info.

LSPA Request for an LSP Licensing Exam in May or June 2014

LSPA Request for an LSP Licensing Exam in May or June 2014

Read the LSPA’s April 4, 2014 letter to the LSP Board of Registration urging them to offer the LSP licensing exam in May or June 2014.  At its April 17, 2014 meeting, the LSP Board voted to offer the exam.

LSPA Comments to MassDEP on Proposed Underground Storage Tank Regulations

LSPA Comments to MassDEP on Proposed Underground Storage Tank Regulations

On March 31, 2014, the LSPA submitted comments to MassDEP on the Proposed Underground Storage Tank Regulations, including 310 CMR 80.00.

LSPA Letter to the Editor on Revised Soil Standards

LSPA Letter to the Editor on Revised Soil Standards

The LSPA’s Letter to the Editor was published in Boston Globe letters section. The letter was in response to a front-page February 23, 2014 Boston Globe article that drew the ire of many LSPA members.  

LSPA’s 17-minute video “Suspending Disbelief”

LSPA’s 17-minute video “Suspending Disbelief”

Watch the LSPA’s 17-minute video “Suspending Disbelief,” developed to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the creation of Massachusetts’ privatized hazardous waste site cleanup program, the Licensed Site Professional (LSP), and the formation of the LSP Association.

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