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LSP Licenses Extended per Governor's Order

The LSPA received word on Wednesday night directly from MassDEP Commissioner Suuberg noting that Licensed Site Professionals are included in the Governor's Executive Order that addresses extending licenses for certain professions by 90 days. An excerpt is below.

Extending the Licenses of Certain Licensed Professionals: Governor Baker signed a new emergency order to ensure that licensed professionals do not have their licenses or registrations lapse due to unforeseen problems with renewal during the COVID-19 emergency. Specifically, under this order, occupational or professional licenses of individuals that are in good standing and that would otherwise be up for renewal during the COVID-19 emergency shall be extended for 90 days after the end of the public health emergency. This order does not affect license extensions that have already been granted in earlier emergency orders.
Read the Emergency Order here: Extension of Professional Licensure Order

Commissioner Suuberg wrote that the LSP Board will address steps moving forward, and that "We hope these actions will provide some relief and flexibility as the important work of the LSP community moves forward in the weeks ahead."

The LSPA very much appreciates the consideration given by the Baker-Polito Administration to the work of LSPs and related practitioners during this challenging time.

Best wishes, 
Michele Paul, LSP
LSPA President

COVID-19 Information

Dear Friends:

The LSPA Board and staff are staying abreast of updates from the CDC, MEMA, and the MA Governor's Office regarding COVID-19, the Coronavirus. We realize the situation is quickly changing and will inform our membership as soon as possible should the LSPA decide to postpone or cancel any plans or events.

We encourage every individual to make the best decision for themselves about whether or not to attend an event. Should you decide to not attend an event for which you have already paid and registered, please contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with a full refund.

See the Situational Awareness Statement #1 here from MEMA, March 7,2020, along with this poster. Read a Press Release here from the Governor's Office, March 4, 2020.

The LSPA received an email from MA Energy and Environment Secretary Theoharides on Friday, March 6th which we have copied below. She wrote that:

Although Massachusetts remains low risk, state officials continue to coordinate with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and implement CDC guidance. To provide you with updated information, I wanted to forward a press release issued earlier this week by the Administration. In it, you will find information about ongoing efforts as well as resources for additional information on COVID-19.
Additionally, going forward you will be receiving updates directly from the Administration regarding continued efforts and updated information.
As a reminder, people are advised to take many of the same steps they do to help prevent colds and the flu, including:
  • Wash hands often with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoid touching your eyes and face.
  • Clean things that are frequently touched (like doorknobs and countertops) with household cleaning spray or wipes.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow.
  • Stay home when feeling sick.
  • Stay informed.
  • Get a flu shot.
We will be in touch.
Be well.
Michele Paul, LSP
LSPA President

Representative Robert DeLeo Awarded River Hero Award

Earlier this week, LSPA Executive Director Wendy Rundle, attended the Annual Dinner Meeting of the Massachusetts Rivers Alliance where Representative Robert DeLeo, MA Speaker of the House was presented with a River Hero award.  Also attending from the LSPA were Susan Chapnick, former LSPA Board member and President of New Environmental Horizons; Dot McGlincy, LSP and Executive Director of MA Association of Conservation Commissions (MACC); and Joel Mooney, LSP and Sr. VP Haley & Aldrich, an LSPA Platinum Partner.

Speaker DeLeo, and Wendy Rundle, right after she mentioned the LSPA's S.594 to require insurance for remediation of residential home heating oil releases.

LSPA Launches November 2019 Compliance Tip

The LSPA presented the following compliance tip at the November 2019 Membership Meeting at the DoubleTree Hotel in Westborough, MA on November 21, 2019.  


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Introduction to Drilling Techniques with Technical Drilling Services

Last night, LSPA’s Emerging Professionals Committee hosted Introduction to Drilling Techniques with Technical Drilling Services (TDS). At the sold-out event at their headquarters in Sterling, TDS demonstrated various drilling and monitoring well installation methods.  Environmental consultants along with students from Bridgewater State University (BSU) learned about basic drilling/sampling techniques (including continuous and discrete soil cores) and groundwater monitoring well installations on a 15-foot monitoring well.  

Here are a few photos from the event (photo credit to Michael Penzo).

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MassDEP’s Natural Resource Damages Program at Work

In anticipation of the LSPA’s November 21, 2019 member meeting on MassDEP’s Natural Resource Damages (NRD) Program, the LSPA highlights one such project:  the completion of the Mystic Riverfront Restoration project on the shores of the Mystic River in Arlington, MA at a location directly impacted by a 2013 spill of nearly 10,000 gallons of diesel fuel.

To compensate for the harm to the Mystic River from the spill, MassDEP settled a claim for Natural Resource Damages. These funds support work that began in 2017 and involved MassDEP, DCR, the Town of Arlington's Conservation Commission and DPW.

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LSPA 26th Annual Dinner Wrap-Up

The LSP Association’s Board of Directors hosted over 300 attendees at this year’s Annual Dinner at Mechanics Hall in Worcester. It was a wonderful night and great to see so many LSPA members, clients, and friends. Click here to see the photograph album from the evening.

In addition to a performance by the Harvard-Radcliffe Veritones, the LSPA presented its Contribution to the Practice Awards. The following recipients were honored for their outstanding efforts: 

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Should Insurance Protect Homeowners From Financially Devastating Heating Oil Spills?

Many thanks to Ryan Kath of NBCBoston for another installment, which aired last night, on LSPA efforts to require insurers to cover the costs of remediating home heating oil spills and leaks.

The LSPA Legislative Committee is appreciative of Senator Anne Gobi's sponsorship of S. 594

2019-2020 LSPA Membership Meeting Dates

Mark your calendars! The LSPA Membership Meeting dates and locations for 2019-2020 have been announced. The LSP Association's membership meetings take place monthly from September through June in the Greater Boston area. See below or click here to view the schedule for the upcoming year.
Member meetings are also held in Springfield, MA about four times a year; the schedule is announced as meeting topics become available. The first meeting,"Environmental Law: Part 1," is being held on September 26, 2019. 

Meeting Date & Location  Topic & Speaker
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 
Boston Marriott Newton, Newton
Liz Callahan and Paul Locke, MassDEP
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Springfield
Environmental Law: Part 1
Jeanine Grachuk, Beveridge & Diamond
1.0 non-DEP Regulatory Credit
Course #1626A
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Mechanics Hall, Worcester 
Annual Dinner
October 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Springfield
Environmental Law: Part 2

Michelle O'Brien, Pierce Atwood LLP
 1.0 non-DEP Regulatory Credit
Course #1626B
Thursday, November 21, 2019 
Doubletree Hotel, Westborough
Topic for Credit
 November 2019
Hilton Garden Inn, Springfield
 Environmental Law: Part 3

 1.0 non-DEP Regulatory Credit
Course #1626C
 December 2019
Downtown Boston Area
 Co-Sponsor the EBC Winter Garden Party 
 Thursday, January 16, 2020
Doubletree Hotel, Andover
  Topic for Credit
Michael Marley, XDD Environmental
 Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Doubletree Hotel, Westborough

 Theory and Applications of ISCO Injectate Selection and
In Situ Remediation Using Activated Carbon Based Injectates

Speakers from ISOTEC and AST Environmental
1.5 Technical Credits 
Course #1677
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Holiday Inn, Mansfield 
 Topic for Credit
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 
Crowne Plaza, Woburn
 Topic for Credit
 Tuesday, May 19, 2020
Doubletree Hotel, Westborough
 Topic for Credit
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Holiday Inn, Taunton 
 Topic for Credit and LSPA Scholarship Presentation
You'll notice that we've added some new locations this year -in Andover, Mansfield and Woburn, MA. The changes were based upon feedback collected in an LSPA member survey. While we can't accommodate every request received, we are listening and doing our best to adjust accordingly. Any ideas for meeting topics or locations, please let us know! You can email [email protected].
LSPA committee meeting dates have also been finalized for the upcoming year. Now is the perfect time to get involved, connect with a committee chair or sit in on an upcoming meeting. With eight LSPA Committees, there is something for everyone. We welcome your interest and support at any level! Click here to learn more.    
Annual corporate packages will be announced shortly. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, please email Kristi Lefebvre at [email protected] and we'll make sure you receive the information as soon as its published.

Don't Assume Your Insurance Will Cover A Home Heating Oil Spill

Ryan Kath and NBC 10 have aired a 3rd installment in their series on residential heating oil spills, and this time it's a bit of good news for one Massachusetts homeowner.  MassDEP has stepped in to assist with sampling and assessment at a property previously highlighted.

This story continues to drive home the point that in order to be protected from serious financial impacts, homeowners who use oil heat must proactively contact their insurance broker to request coverage.  Most homeowners assume they are covered, when in fact most are not.

Watch the story here.    

The LSP Association (LSPA) is sponsoring legislation to address this problem.  Senate bill 594 would require insurance companies to automatically provide this coverage.  Read more here and here to learn how the LSPA's legislation will close a loophole.

For more information contact Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director, [email protected].

LSPA Submits Comments to MassDEP on 2019 Proposed MCP Amendments

On Friday, July 19, 2019, at the end of MassDEP's public comment period, the LSPA submitted our comments on the 2019 Proposed MCP Amendments. Our cover letter summarized three key topics of concern: PFAS, Risk Characterization, and Transition Provisions. A separate document included 15 pages of comments.  

As usual, the LSPA process started with a call to members to submit their comments to the LSPA Regulations Committee.  Then committee co-chairs Joe Roman (GEI) and Dan LaFrance (Fuss & O'Neill) assembled a team of "champions" to review, develop, and vet comments.  Many thanks and kudos to that group for an awesome job pulling together a solid draft set of comments.

These comments were reviewed by the LSPA Board and finally by Michele Paul (City of New Bedford), the LSPA's new President. 

We encourage you to share any additional thoughts and comments with the LSPA at [email protected].  

LSPA Scholarship Fund Awards Scholarships for 2019-2020 Academic Year

For the past 16 years, the LSPA Scholarship Fund has been awarding educational scholarships to individuals pursuing degrees in the fields of science, environmental engineering, or other majors that are consistent with the goal of becoming a Licensed Site Professional. At LSPA’s June 11th Membership Meeting in Taunton, MA, the LSPA Scholarship Fund awarded three individual scholarships. 

Veronica Gonsalez received the $5,000 Jeff Hardin Memorial Award, which is presented to an LSPA  member or member of their immediate family, who exemplifies the goal of environmental excellence. For those who remember Jeff, you know he strove for environmental excellence. Veronica is well-deserving of this scholarship.

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LSPA's June 2019 Compliance Tip

The LSPA presented the following compliance tip at the June Membership Meeting at the Hilton Hotel in Woburn, MA on June 13, 2019.  


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LSPA Election Results and Board Changes

The LSPA Board is pleased to announce that three candidates have been elected to the LSPA Board of Directors for 2019 - 2022:
  •  Patrick Corcoran, LSP, Senior Project Manager, ATC Group Services. Mr. Corcoran will begin his second 3-year term on July 1, 2019. 
  •  Joseph Roman, LSP, Senior Project Manager and Human Health Risk Assessor, GEI Consultants, Inc. Mr. Roman will begin his first 3-year term on July 1, 2019. 
  • Matthew Young, Senior Project Manager, Environmental, Cumberland Farms. Mr. Young will begin his second 3-year term on July 1, 2019. 
At the end of June 2019, LSPA Past President Mike Penzo's Board term will come to an end. Mike is an LSP at Penzo Consulting and faculty at two area universities. We thank him for his contributions as a Board member, President, and Past President. We are confident that his legacy work supporting students and encouraging their involvement in the LSPA will not end with his Board term. 

LSPA Welcomes Secretary Theoharides

The LSPA leadership is planning a meeting with Kathleen Theoharides, the Commonwealth's new Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs.  See Governor Baker's recent announcement here.   

Read the LSPA's letter of congratulations here.

The LSPA's President Elect Michele Paul, LSP, Director of Resilience and Environmental Stewardship for the City of New Bedford, has worked with the new Secretary on climate change and resiliency issues as part of the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program.  Prior to her appointment, her Twitter handle was @ClimateKatie.
The LSPA looks forward to working with Secretary Theoharides in the year ahead, especially as climate change becomes more of a consideration at MCP sites.

LSP Exam Prep & Overview

Would it surprise you to know that at least 50 emerging professionals are considering or actively planning to take the LSP Exam in the next few years?  That’s how many people attended the LSPA’s event last week hosted by the LSPA's Emerging Professionals Committee.

It was a curious and focused group who attentively listened while three new LSPs shared their experiences:

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Exposure Point Concentrations and You: Calculating 95% UCLs and Employing ProUCL to compute them for use as EPCs

Hardly the title for a stellar course, right?  WRONG!

These two smiling, smart people received rave reviews from course participants:

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Nancy M. White and Iris Davis Memorial Golf Tournament

Nancy M. White and Iris Davis Memorial Golf Tournament

When: Friday, June 7, 2019
Time: 7:00 AM Registration; 8:00 AM Shotgun Start
Location: Far Corner Golf Course, 5 Barker Road, Boxford, MA - Directions

This event is being held in memory of our dear friends Nancy and Iris on June 7, 2019 at Far Comer Golf Course in Boxford, MA. Registration begins at 7:00 AM, with tee-off at 8:00 AM.

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May 2019 LSPA Compliance Tip

The LSPA presented the following compliance tip at the May Membership Meeting at the DoubleTree in Westborough, MA on May 16, 2019.  


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Coming Soon - LSPA Ballot for 2019 Board Election

Voting will open on Friday, May 17, 2019 for the 2019-2020 LSP Association (LSPA) Board of Directors election. Board positions will take effect July 1, 2019. 
Ballots will be sent by email to all LSPA members, both Full and Associate. We encourage all members to vote.
The LSPA's 9-member Board of Directors is composed of LSPA members who combine experience in environmental work with a passion for supporting and promoting the LSP practice. Current LSPA Board members are shown here.
There are three open seats on the Board for this election; the term length is from FY '19 through FY '22. Provided below are the four candidates on this year's ballot. Please click on each candidate's name to read more about him.
The LSPA Board nominated three candidates for the ballot. 
The LSPA Bylaws allow for a candidate who obtains a written petition, signed by at least 10 Full and/or Associate LSPA members in good standing, and submitted 30 days in advance of the election, to be placed on the ballot for election.  

The LSPA Bylaws state "Of the nine members on the Board, up to two Director positions may be filled by Associate members."  The two current Board members who are Associate (non-LSP) LSPA members are Jeanine Grachuk and Matthew Young.  

To view all the candidates' statements of interest, photos, and responses to LSPA Board questions, click here.
New Board members will be announced at the LSPA monthly membership meeting on Thursday, June 13, 2019 at the Hilton Hotel in Woburn, MA, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM.
Please note that voting will close on June 7, 2019, at 5 PM.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director at [email protected] or 617-484-4027.
Thank you,
Marilyn Wade, LSP
LSP Association President