MassDEP/LSPA Continuing Education Online Course:

Managing Contaminated Soil: Hazardous Waste Requirements and Contained-In Determinations 

Registration: Registration must take place during business hours (8 am to 6 pm Mon. - Fri.). Within 24 hours of registration, the LSPA will provide your registration information via email. 
Availability: Once you have your login information, the course may be accessed at any time for 30 days through a web browser. At the end of 30 days, your access is terminated. No extensions will be offered. 
Technology: The course may be accessed using a computer, tablet or mobile device. All you need is a web browser and access to the Internet. Preferred browsers include: Google Chrome, Safari, Edge and Firefox. Please note: Internet Explorer 11 (IE11) is not a supported browser. 
Cost: $150 for each course attendee
Course Authors: 

  • Rose Knox, Professional Engineer, MassDEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup
  • James Paterson, Branch Chief, MassDEP Hazardous Waste Program  

This on-demand course has been approved by the LSP Board of Registration for 2.0 DEP Regulatory credits (#1781).  

Course Description: 

MassDEP is authorized by USEPA to regulate most RCRA hazardous constituents and wastes commonly encountered at Massachusetts disposal sites. This course will provide LSPs with a detailed explanation of MassDEP’s hazardous waste requirements and contained-in determinations. The course will be presented in two parts--Part 1 will focus on the applicable state and federal hazardous waste regulations that need to be considered in the process of determining whether contaminated soil must be managed as a hazardous waste, presented by James Paterson, Branch Chief for BAW's Hazardous Waste Program. Part 2, presented by Rose Knox, BWSC’s RCRA Corrective Action Coordinator, will focus on the specific criteria MassDEP has established under the authorized state RCRA program for making determinations consistent with the EPA Contained-In Policy for sites undergoing assessment and cleanup under the MCP, and the procedure to petition MassDEP to delist hazardous waste as non-hazardous waste. The criteria are summarized in the 2010 Contained-In Policy: Technical Update, Considerations for Managing Contaminated Soil: RCRA Land Disposal Restrictions and Contained-In Determinations (also known as the CID Policy). References to regulations and available guidance documents will also be provided.

Registration Process:
Once you complete your registration form for the course, you will receive two emails from the LSPA:

  1. Your registration confirmation which also acts as a paid receipt.
  2. An email containing your log-in information and link to directly access the online course. Once this email is sent, you will have 30 days to complete the course. Access to the course and the quiz will automatically expire in 30 days. There will be no extensions or exceptions. 
  3. To receive your CEU, you must successfully complete the quiz and log out of the Learning Management System.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected].  

Please click here to review the LSPA Course Cancellation Policy.