LSPA News & Blog

Court Decides Peterborough Oil vs. MassDEP

Court Decides Peterborough Oil vs. MassDEP 

On June 6, 2016, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court issued its opinion in Peterborough Oil Co. v. MassDEP upholding MassDEP’s interpretation that the word “oil” in the Zone II exemption does not include leaded gasoline.   Read on for a brief summary of the decision.  The LSPA submitted an amicus brief in this case.  

LSPA Scholarship Fund 3rd Annual Golf Tournament

LSPA Scholarship Fund 3rd Annual Golf Tournament 

The LSP Association (LSPA) Scholarship Fund is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Golf Tournament. For more information, click here.

LSPA Opposes H. 695

LSPA Opposes H. 695  - A Bill That Would Affect the LSP Board Process 

The LSPA has written to the Chair of the House Ways & Means Committee of the Massachusetts Legislature expressing its strong opposition to H. 695 which would create an appeals board to hear from those aggrieved by determinations of the current LSP Board of Registration.  Read our letter here.  And contact the committee with your opinion.  

MassDEP Revisiting TCE Sites

MassDEP Revisiting TCE Sites

By Denise Kmetzo, DABT, Principal, Collaborative Risk Solutions LLC 

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LSPA Board of Directors Elections

LSPA Board of Directors Elections 

The LSPA announces Board candidates and voting to begin on May 9th. Click here to learn more about candidates and the election.

LSPA Scholarship Fund Applications Due May 2, 2016

LSPA Scholarship Fund Applications Due May 2, 2016 

March 25, 2016
The LSP Association (LSPA) Scholarship Fund is pleased to announce that it will be accepting applications for educational scholarships for the 2016 - 2017 academic year. The purpose of the scholarship program is to support continued education within environmental fields of study at colleges and universities throughout Massachusetts and New England. Application information is available here.

Happy New Year, and A Look Back at 2015

Happy New Year, and A Look Back at 2015 

With the support and participation of over 800 members, and generous corporate and event sponsors, the LSPA was able to accomplish a great deal in 2015. Some highlights include. 

LSPA Comments on MassDEP's Second Public Review Draft LNAPL Guidance

LSPA Comments on MassDEP's Second Public Review Draft LNAPL Guidance 

The LSPA submitted comments on December 18, 2015 to MassDEP on its Second Public Review Draft of Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL) and the MCP: Guidance for Site Assessment and Closure, Policy #WSC‐14‐450. Read our cover letter and comments

MassDEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Updates

MassDEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup Updates 

The second public review draft of the Light Nonaqueous Phase Liquid (LNAPL) Guidance is posted under “Draft Policies & Guidance” here.  This document has been updated to reflect public comments received on the first (July 2014) draft.  BWSC will be holding a meeting on the revised draft on Thursday November 12, 2015 at 10:00 am at MassDEP’s Boston Office, One Winter Street 2nd floor conference rooms A & B.  Please submit any written comments on the second public hearing draft by Friday December 18, 2015 to [email protected]

LSPA 22nd Annual Dinner Meeting Held

LSPA 22nd Annual Dinner Meeting Held 

The LSPA held its 22nd annual dinner meeting on October 8, 2015, at the UMass Lowell Inn & Conference Center in Lowell, MA.  Over 280 guests were in attendance to schmooze, nosh, bid on an appealing array of silent auction items, applaud their colleagues receiving awards, and listen to guest speaker Stephen Puleo, historian and author of Dark Tide: The Great Boston Molasses Flood of 1919. 

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LSPA Files Amicus Brief with MA Supreme Judicial Court

LSPA Files Amicus Brief with MA Supreme Judicial Court  

On September 30, 2015, the LSPA filed an Amicus Curiae (“Friend of the Court”) brief with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court in the case of Peterborough Oil Company, LLC v. Department of Environmental Protection.  The case is on appeal from Worcester County Superior Court.   

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MassDEP Finalizes Policy on the Re-Use of Soil for Large Reclamation Projects

MassDEP Finalizes Policy on the Re-Use of Soil for Large Reclamation Projects

MassDEP’s Interim Policy on the Re-Use of Soil for Large Reclamation Projects (#COMM-15-01) is final and may be found here.   

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LSPA Comments on MassDEP's Draft Interim Policy on Reclamation Soils

LSPA Comments on MassDEP's Draft Interim Policy on Reclamation Soils 

The LSPA submitted comments to MassDEP on its Draft Interim Policy on Reclamation Soil. Read our letter.  

LSPA Board of Directors Elected

LSPA Board of Directors Elected 

The LSPA membership has elected Susan O'Brien, LSP of Amec Foster Wheeler, for a first term on the LSPA Board.  Two current Board members were re-elected for second terms:  Mike Billa, LSP of Tetra Tech, and Mike Penzo, LSP, Consulting Hydrogeologist.  They were each elected for three year terms and will take office on July 1, 2015.  

MassDEP Publishes Draft Interim Policy on Reclamation Soils

MassDEP Publishes Draft Interim Policy on Reclamation Soils

MassDEP has prepared a DRAFT Interim Policy on the Re-Use of Soil for Large Reclamation Projects; the draft policy is now available on MassDEP’s Reclamation Soil blog (  Comments are due to MassDEP by June 17, 2015.  
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Massachusetts Geological Society is Formed

Massachusetts Geological Society is Formed

The LSPA has learned about the recent formation of the Massachusetts Geological Society.

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Governor Baker Issues Executive Order to Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden

Governor Baker Issues Executive Order to Reduce Unnecessary Regulatory Burden

On March 31, 2015, Governor Baker issued Executive Order No. 562 requiring all state agencies to review regulations based on a variety of criteria found in the document.  Read some reactions here

Watch for Falling Snow: Adventures of Brad Cousineau, Environmental Scientist, SAGE Environmental

What a difference a few weeks can make.   As we write, the sun is shining and the once looming snow banks are quickly turning to puddles.  Just a few weeks ago it was a much different picture.  

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Scholarship Fund is Now Accepting Applications for Educational Scholarships

Scholarship Fund is Now Accepting Applications for Educational Scholarships

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Call for Golfers: May 26, 2015 LSPA Scholarship Fund 2nd Annual Golf Tournament

Call for Golfers: May 26, 2015 LSPA Scholarship Fund 2nd Annual Golf Tournament

Sign up here to become a sponsor and to play.