Deadline Extended; Still Soliciting Comments on Two Draft MCP Guidance Documents
MassDEP’s deadlines for written comments have been extended to June 5, 2024 for both guidance documents currently posted on the MCP Amendments web page: “Risk Characterization Guidance, Chapters 1-5, Public Review Draft” and “Interim Guidance on Implementing Activity and Use Limitations.”
The two LSPA groups reviewing these guidance documents are still looking for comments. If you want to join the review group or have comments you wish to share on the Risk Characterization Guidance, please contact [email protected] by no later than May 9th.
Specifically, this group emphasizes that commenters should not be limited to risk assessors. They are soliciting comments from LSPs, chemists and laboratory professionals, and hydrogeologists. The guidance chapters focus on much broader topics than conducting risk assessments. For example,
- Chapter 2: Conceptual Site Model (8 pages)
- Chapter 3: Site Activities/Uses, Soil and Groundwater Categories (14 pages)
- Chapter 4: Sampling for Risk (44 pages)
- Chapter 5: Chemical Analysis (11 pages)
If you want to join the review group or have comments you wish to share on the Interim Guidance on AULs, please contact [email protected] by no later than May 9th.
Feel free to contact Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director, at [email protected] with any questions. Thank you.