Provided below is new information from both US EPA and MassDEP.
Ongoing Updates on MCP-Related Information
Watch this space on the MassDEP website for updates and “related information” on the 2024 MCP. At this time, updates include:
Summary of Changes to MCP Numerical Standards: This document summarizes changes to MCP numerical standards that take effect on March 1, 2024. Prior to March 1, 2024, the revised Method 1 Groundwater and Soil Standards (Tables 1 through 4) and the revised Method 2 Soil Standards (Table 5) may be used as part of an MCP Risk Characterization pursuant to 310 CMR 40.0982(7).
Updated Method 3 Human Health Risk Assessment Shortforms: The Shortforms have been updated. These updates incorporate updated toxicity information and risk assessment practices consistent with the 2024 MCP amendments.
AUL Forms: These Activity and Use Limitation forms must be used to implement an Activity and Use Limitation on or after March 1, 2024.
US EPA Publishes New Toxicity Values for PFAS
US EPA has recently published new toxicity values for PFAS compounds. This means that EPA is now regulating a total of 30 individual PFAS compounds. Provided here are EPA’s Regional Screening Levels which include the new PFAS toxicity values. US EPA has not yet finalized or published new PFAS Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) but promulgating toxicity values is an early step in this process.
As an example, here is one table that includes the reference doses (RfDs) for noncancer toxicity values.
More general information is available on the EPA website.
MassDEP’s Sampling and Analysis Guidance for PFAS at Disposal Sites Regulated under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan. On November 13, 2023, MassDEP published these updated recommendations on PFAS sampling analyses.