AND…..we’re back in-person!

AND…..we’re back!  The LSPA was excited to hold several in-person events over the past month.

Along with MassDEP and AMWS – The Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists, we held two sessions of “Wetlands, Wetland Regulations, and the MCP.”  This full day course involved time exploring five wetlands field stations and got rave reviews from participants.


The LSPA Emerging Professionals Committee (EPC) held a workshop on “What You Write Matters” to demonstrate the implications of problematic language and how the words in field logbook, memos, MCP documents, and other reports can be used by attorneys in support of one party ….or not.  


And finally, the LSPA’s Lookout Farm event was a lot of fun with great food and drink, taking place in a bucolic farm setting surrounded by apple trees and fragrant grape arbors.  Many thanks to TerraTherm for sponsoring drinks and for their spicy giveaways. 

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