Interested in Participating in an LSPA Work Group on Historic Fill/Anthropogenic Background?
Members of the LSPA’s Technical Practices Committee are creating a Work Group to review the documents listed below.
- Background Levels of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Metals in Soil Technical Update – May 23, 2002
- Historic Fill / Anthropogenic Background Public Comment DRAFT Technical Update – May 24, 2016
As part of this effort, the Work Group is reviewing the LSPA Comments on Historic Fill/Anthropogenic Background DRAFT Technical Update 2016, July 14, 2016, which were previously transmitted to MassDEP.
The initial objectives are to explore updating the content of the documents and to assess the feasibility of combining the two documents into one updated guidance. This could prove useful for practitioners and might be of interest to MassDEP. In addition, the Work Group hopes to acquire and incorporate into the document(s) additional, more current data on the typical composition of historic fill and on contaminants that may be attributable to coal, coal ash, or wood ash.
The group plans to meet in September to establish additional objectives and a meeting schedule.
If you would like to participate in the Work Group or are interested in knowing more about it, or if you have data for historic fill that could be incorporated into an updated dataset, please contact Adam Cote, Leslie Lombardo, Kerry Tull, and/or Amy Roth.