As you know, the LSPA has launched itself into the professional development world of webinars. So far, the response to our efforts has been overwhelmingly positive. Members and non-members alike report their great satisfaction with the more convenient and "greener" option of taking courses electronically (OK - and the in-person option just isn't available right now....). The LSPA's Education Committee is looking for webinar presenters. Do you have an area of expertise or a project you think would be interesting to LSPs and other practitioners? Did you plan to deliver a paper but your conference was cancelled? Have you developed a brown bag lunch presentation but your dog just isn't interested? The LSPA would like to hear from you! Our staff will handle all the logistics for one- to two-hour webinars (including applying for LSP credit if appropriate). We offer a stipend and lots of visibility. Please write us at [email protected]with your topics and ideas. We'd love to hear from you.
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