LSPA Launches September 2019 Compliance Tip

The LSPA presented the following compliance tip at the September 2019 Membership Meeting at the Newton Marriott in Newton, MA on September 18, 2019.  


309 CMR 3.09(3)(a) states that " least 12 of the 48 [continuing education] credits must be earned at a Board-approved DEP Course or Courses."   The LSPA urges LSPs to secure as many DEP credits as possible in the first two years of their licensing period.  Waiting until the last year to secure even half of the required DEP credits is risky - setting LSPs up, at best, to having to request a 90-day extension from the LSP Board of Registration.   

Click here to view all published compliance tips. This document is also posted in the Members Only section of the website under Technical Resources.

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