LSPA PFAS Task Force

The LSPA Board realizes the need for an LSPA PFAS Task Force to cover the ever-changing and consuming topic of PFAS, and are in the process of setting out goals and a charter.  We would like to gauge interest and ask for volunteers now so that we can start to get organized. This sense of urgency stems in part from the formation of a MassDEP PFAS stakeholder group, and the fact that this group already had their first meeting.
Information on the MassDEP PFAS stakeholder group can be found here
The LSPA should have been on the invite list since we submitted a letter at the "PFAS Petition" hearing.  We have been in touch with the Drinking Water Program, Bureau of Water Resources who tells us the next stakeholder group meeting will be the week of June 17 - no definite date yet.
Attending these stakeholder meetings (which are open to the public) will be an initial key task for the group.
Please contact Wendy Rundle at [email protected] if you would like to join the LSPA Task Force. 
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Comments on "LSPA PFAS Task Force"

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Kristi Lefebvre - Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Thanks, Dave! We have added you to the list and will be in touch.

David Carlson - Friday, April 26, 2019

Kristi, Please sign me up and keep me informed. Thanks, Dave

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