The LSPA presented the following compliance tip at the June Membership Meeting at the Holiday Inn in Taunton, MA on June 13, 2018.
Conducting Public Involvement at PIP Sites
A quick check of BWSC126 Forms on eDEP identified about 48 active Public Involvement Plan (PIP) sites in the Commonwealth. This is certainly not a high percentage of total overall sites, but PIP sites require extra attention to public communication about key milestones.
In addition to the requirements outlined in 310 CMR 40.1400, MassDEP’s website has a section dedicated to public involvement at PIP sites.
Check out Tips on PIPs and MassDEP's Q & As on PIP sites.
When in doubt, contact the Public Involvement Coordinator at your MassDEP Regional Office with any questions regarding public involvement plans.
Click here to view all published compliance tips. This document is also posted in the Members Only section of the website under Technical Resources.