LSPA is looking for a videographer!

The LSPA is actively looking for a videographer for our member meetings in the Greater Boston area. Bill Mitchell, LSP, Clean Soils Environmental, has been amazing and we are incredibly thankful for all that he done. Bill has been recording our member meetings for several years and its time to give him a break! We are looking for someone to begin in September 2018.

Do you know of a friend or family member, neighbor or college student who might be interested in getting the experience and earning a small stipend while at it? It's a bonus if the person is interested in an environmental career because, as you know, there are plenty of opportunities to network at these events. There is also free buffet food and dessert for the eating.

Requirements include traveling to the venue, setting up the equipment, videotaping the presentation (typically not more than 1.5 hours), packing up, and uploading the video to the LSPA system. All necessary equipment is already owned by the LSPA. This position is suitable for job-sharing.

Please contact us at [email protected]  with ideas. Thank you!

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