LSPA Soliciting Issues for MassDEP's

MassDEP Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup is developing a "trailer package" to the 2014 MCP amendments; this package is intended to be a combination of new items that have become apparent since the previous MCP update, items held over from the previous regulatory reform discussion, and corrections to issues that have arisen under the new regulations. 
If you have items you'd like considered for MassDEP's trailer package, please reach out to us with an explanation of the issue and what you think needs refining. 
The LSPA Regulations Committee will be preparing a submittal for the LSPA Board to review and then submit to MassDEP. This document will comment on topics that MassDEP plans to present for inclusion in the trailer package as well as propose additional topics that the LSPA believes MassDEP should include. 
Comments should be sent to us by Wednesday, August 31.  
We appreciate your input.
David E. Leone, LSP, Senior Project Manager, GZA, [email protected]
David Foss, LSP, Principal Hydrogeologist, Wilcox & Barton, [email protected]
LSPA Regulations Committee Co-Chairs
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