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LSPA Provides Comments on EEA's Environmental Justice Strategy

Last week, the LSPA sent this letter to the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs ("EEA") as part of its public comment period on the secretariat-wide draft Environmental Justice (EJ) Strategy. The comment period ends on Friday, February 17, 2023. The effort to develop the report was led by EEA’s Environmental Justice Task Force and convened by EEA’s Director of Environmental Justice in September 2020.

In its materials, EEA noted that it seeks the public review to “elaborate on approaches that are likely to be successful, identify strategies that were missed, and highlight practices that may fall short of our mutual goals to establish a more just and equitable commonwealth.”  The strategy is intended to improve the internal management of EEA agencies and the intended audience is EEA staff in their efforts to engage the public. In addition to an overview of the EJ Policy, the report is organized into 13 sections, one for each EEA agency, that outline how each specific agency intends to implement actions for promoting and integrating EJ considerations across its programs, policies, activities, and other strategies. 

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EOEEA Environmental Dataset Portal: Drinking Water and PFAS6 in Public Wells

At MassDEP's Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup (BWSC) November 12, 2020 Office Hours meeting, Paul Locke, Assistant Commissioner, shared information on a helpful resource: the Massachusetts EOEEA Data Portal, which is comprised of several Environmental Datasets. Datasets include asbestos projects, enforcement actions, and well drilling; also included is the BWSC's Waste Site & Reportable Releases Lookup page. 
The focus for this meeting was on the Drinking Water program dataset where one can search by public water system as well as town, class of well (Non-Transient Non-Community, Non-Community, and Community), contaminant group, and chemical name. Many per-fluoroalkyl substances are included in the searchable list of chemicals including, of particular interest - PFAS6.
At this time, private well sampling information is not included in this EOEEA database.
A link to this portal is also found on MassDEP's PFAS webpage.
The weekly BWSC Office Hour meetings are recorded and posted on this YouTube page
The discussion of the EOEEA portal begins at 2:15 minutes into the November 12, 2020 meeting and ends at around 15:30 minutes.

LSPA Welcomes Secretary Theoharides

The LSPA leadership is planning a meeting with Kathleen Theoharides, the Commonwealth's new Secretary of Energy and Environmental Affairs.  See Governor Baker's recent announcement here.   

Read the LSPA's letter of congratulations here.

The LSPA's President Elect Michele Paul, LSP, Director of Resilience and Environmental Stewardship for the City of New Bedford, has worked with the new Secretary on climate change and resiliency issues as part of the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) program.  Prior to her appointment, her Twitter handle was @ClimateKatie.
The LSPA looks forward to working with Secretary Theoharides in the year ahead, especially as climate change becomes more of a consideration at MCP sites.

LSPA Urges EOEEA to Fill Vacant "Environmental" Seat on LSP Board

The LSPA has heard back from MA Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA) Secretary Matt Beaton's office that "Commissioner Suuberg from MassDEP has reached out to multiple environmental organizations asking for recommendations for this seat."  

This is in response to a letter the LSPA sent urging that the seat, vacant for 5 years, be filled. Read the letter here