LSP Association Scholarship Fund4th Annual Charity Golf TournamentPlease join us on Wednesday, June 14 for the 4th Annual Charity Golf Tournament at the Highfields Golf Course! Golfer registration includes lunch on course, drink ticket and Highfields grilled dinner at reception. Last year's tournament was a huge success and this year is shaping up to be even better!
Save the Date
Date: Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Time: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM
: Highfields Golf Course, 42 Magill Drive, Grafton - Directions
Event Schedule: 9:00 AM Registration
10:00 AM Shotgun Start:
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM Reception, Raffle and Awards |
For the second year in a row, representatives of the LSPA presented a workshop at the annual training conference of the Massachusetts Association of Health Boards (MAHB). This conference is specifically targeted to elected and appointed Board of Health members in Massachusetts. Many health agents and public health nurses also attend.
On November 5, 2016, and again on November 12, 2016, the LSPA program, “Case Study of a Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup” was delivered in Taunton and Marlborough, respectively, as part of the Community and Environmental Health section of the conference. Presenters for the LSPA were Cosmo Gallinaro, LSP, LSPA Board Member, and Isaac Anderson, former Chair of the Technical Practices Committee (Nov. 5th), and Mike Penzo, LSP, LSPA President and Marilyn Wade, LSP, LSPA President Elect (Nov. 12th). Each session drew about a dozen engaged registrants with real, immediate issues and concerns.
February 9, 2017
The LSPA unveiled the following monthly compliance tip on February 9, 2017.
"When to check the “orders, permits, and approvals” box in the "Required Attachment and Submittals Section" of a BWSC transmittal form?
Thank you to Paul Locke and the MassDEP for posting this video on LinkedIn today. The LSPA looks forward to providing updates as the legislation progresses through the committee process.
Thank you to everyone who helped make last night’s Membership Meeting a success:
By: Isaac Anderson, Project Manager, Cooperstown Environmental and LSPA Technical Practices Committee Member
Many of you know that the 2010 Remediation General Permit (RGP), issued by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, Region 1 (EPA) under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), expired in September 2015. As noted in the LSPA email blast sent on September 15, 2016, the Draft RGP was published in the Federal Register on August 18, 2016, and EPA accepted public comments until September 19, 2016. What many of you are left wondering is, what happens next, and what should you do in the interim if you have a project that requires coverage under the RGP before the new RGP is available?
The LSPA Young Professionals hosted a successful networking and trivia night at Lowell Beerworks on December 7, 2016. Six teams competed in general knowledge trivia for prizes. The first place team, comprised of Eric Andrews, Amanda Cantara, Ryan Farrell, Kate Hanrahan, and Michael Penzo, won by a large margin. A tense tie-breaker decided the second and third place teams.
A special thanks to LSPA Platinum sponsor, Alpha Analytical, for providing prizes to the top three teams and also offering extra prizes for bonus questions!
With the support and participation of over 800 members, and generous corporate and event sponsors,
the LSPA was able to accomplish a great deal in 2016. Some highlights include:
There will be a BWSC Greener Cleanups Workgroup Meeting on Tuesday, December 13, 2016 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm at MassDEP, One Winter Street, Boston, Conference room A-2212 (click here for directions). The preliminary agenda will include a presentation/discussion of the following:
1. Clean Energy Legislative & Regulatory Updates
Belmont, MA (November 2016) – The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), the state agency responsible for the cleanup of oil and hazardous waste sites and spills, recently honored four members of the LSP Association (LSPA) with Greener Cleanups Awards at the LSPA’s September Membership Meeting in Newton, MA.
The Greener Cleanups Awards were presented to the following Licensed Site Professionals (LSPs) and their clients for demonstrating professional stewardship in promoting Greener Cleanup principles and practices to reduce the overall net environmental footprint of hazardous waste site cleanup response actions implemented under the Massachusetts Contingency Plan:
November 16, 2016
The LSPA's Loss Prevention Committee, unveiled the following monthly compliance tip at November's Membership Meeting.
An LSP can sign a MassDEP Materials Shipping Record (MSR), and if the LSP has another credential such as a P.E. or P.G., the LSP can stamp the form with that other credential subject to its rules. However, an LSP cannot use the LSP seal on an MSR form. According to LSP Board Advisory Ruling 98-01, an LSP "must not use his or her seal when signing other documents," meaning documents other than formal waste site cleanup activity opinions.
As mentioned at the MassDEP Waste Site Cleanup Advisory Committee meeting last month, there will be a meeting on Wednesday, November 16, 2016 to discuss possible revisions to the Massachusetts Contingency Plan provisions concerning Imminent Hazards.
The meeting will be begin at 9:30 am and will be located in Conference Room C on the 2nd floor of MassDEP’s 1 Winter Street, Boston office. (The duration of the meeting will depend upon the depth and breadth of the discussion. The room is reserved until 12:00 pm.) Please click here for directions.
Top Takeaways from October 27, 2016 MassDEP WSCAC Meeting & Planned Nov. 16th Meeting on Imminent Hazard Approach
LSPA Regulations Committee members were in attendance at the recent Waste Site Cleanup Advisory Committee (WSCAC) meeting held on October 27, 2016. The meeting was moderated by Paul Locke, and included presentations by Gerard Martin and Liz Callahan. A video of the meeting is available here and slides are available here.
The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health is partnering with the Massachusetts Association of Health Boards (MAHB) to host a MAHB Certificate Program. The LSPA has been asked to present at these workshops. This is the only training program that is specifically targeted to elected and appointed Board of Health members. Many health agents and public health nurses also attend, and MAHB provides registered sanitarian, CHO and nursing CEUs.
On November 5, at the Taunton Holiday Inn, the LSPA program, “Case Study of a Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup,” is being offered from 8:45 AM – 10:00 AM. This presentation is part of Track #2, Community & Environmental Health. The following LSPA Members will be speaking: