Volunteer Opportunity! Advisory Committee Convened by the MA State Geologist

The LSPA recently received the below request for volunteers to sit on an advisory committee convened by the Massachusetts State Geologist. If you are interested in being considered for this committee, please respond to [email protected] by no later than January 29, 2025.  

Massachusetts recently appointed Brian Yellen as the State Geologist and director of the State Geological Survey, taking over from Steve Mabee who served the state for 22 years. In order to best serve various stakeholder communities around the state, Brian is setting up an advisory committee made up of state government officials, academics, and engineering practitioners. 

Brian is soliciting two to three practicing LSPs or hydrogeologists to join this committee that will meet about once per year. Ideally, these are folks who use state geologic data products as part of their regular workflow and are enthusiastic about helping guide the vision and direction of the state survey towards creating and providing useful data products. 

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