The LSPA Begins Search for New Executive Director

After nearly 15 years as the LSPA’s Executive Director, Wendy Rundle will be retiring from the position in Spring 2025. Starting this month, the LSPA will begin a formal search for a new Executive Director.

A search committee has been formed and is comprised of:

  • Joe Roman, LSPA President
  • Katie Kudzma, LSPA President Elect
  • Charles Young, LSPA Board member and Past President
  • Dot McGlincy, LSPA Past President and Non-Profit Executive
  • Duff Collins, LSPA Past President
  • Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director

The LSPA will post this job description and invite applicants to apply over the next few months. We expect interviews to commence in December and continue until the position is filled.

We encourage you to share this posting with your personal and professional contacts.

In order to apply, a candidate must submit a resume and cover letter that describe qualifications and specific experiences that match the needs of the LSPA. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Please send your electronic application to [email protected]. Any questions can also be submitted to [email protected]

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