The Commonwealth’s Board of Registration of Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup Professionals (the LSP Board) has two new members. The recent appointment by Governor Baker of LSPs Craig Ellis and Paul McKinlay to the Board, filled the two remaining open seats. The 11-member board licenses and regulates the 458 LSPs statewide.
Millie Garcia-Serrano, LSP Board Chair, welcomed Craig and Paul to their first Board meeting on Tuesday, March 8, 2022. Beverly Coles-Roby, LSP Board Executive Director, shared each of their bios. The LSPA congratulations Craig and Paul, both LSPA members, on their appointments.
The enabling legislation for the LSP Board (MGL c. 21A, Sections 19A-19J) establishes the Board as an independent entity, located for administrative purposes within the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs. Section 19A specifies that the Board should consist of eleven members, each of whom serves a four year term; Board members do not receive compensation from the Commonwealth for their work on the Board.
The Chair of the Board is the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) or his designee; the designee must be a full-time employee of the Department at all times while chairing the Board. The current designee is Millie Garcia-Serrano, Regional Director, MassDEP Southeast Regional Office.
The other ten members of the Board, all appointed by the Governor, are as follows:
- There are five seats on the Board for currently-licensed LSPs
- David Austin, AECOM
- Kathleen Campbell, CDW Consultants
- Craig Ellis, Beta Group
- Gregg McBride, GZA GeoEnvironmental
- Paul McKinlay, Weston & Sampson
- Three Board members must be members of statewide organizations that promote the protection of the environment
- Kirk Franklin, Frank Corp.
- Patrick Herron, Mystic River Watershed Association
- Debra M. Listernick, O'Reilly Talbot & Okun Associates
- One Board position is designated for a hydrogeologist
- Gail Batchelder, HRP Associates, Inc
- One member of the Board is designated for a member of a labor organization
- James N. Smith, Department of Neighborhood Development, City of Boston, MA
Read bios of LSP Board members here.