PRF77 RFR on COMMBUYS now - 8/5 pre-bid conference

The LSPA received the following email from Division of Capital Asset Management & Maintenance (DCAMM). Please contact DCAMM directly if you have any questions.

DCAMM is providing the following information that may be of interest to your membership.  Please feel free to forward.

The Request for Responses (RFR) for the new statewide Professional Environmental Services Contract (PRF77), has been posted in COMMBUYS.  Details about this RFR contract can be reviewed here

A virtual pre-Bid conference will be held on Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 2:00 p.m.  You can register for this conference here

Best regards,

Director of Environmental Services

Division of Capital Asset Management & Maintenance 
Office of Facilities Maintenance and Management
One Ashburton Place, 15th Floor, Boston,  MA 02108

MOBILE  617-875-0243  

Follow Us on Twitter @DCAMM_MA

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