September 19, 2016 Deadline for Comments to EPA on the NPDES Draft 2016 Remediation General Permit (RGP)
For a copy of the Draft RGP, Federal Register Notice, and Fact Sheet, please follow the link below:
Technical questions pertaining to the terms of the permit can also be directed to Shauna Little.
Once all comments have been reviewed, EPA will prepare a response to comments. EPA will provide the final permit and its response to comments to each state covered by the permit (Massachusetts and New Hampshire). Upon receipt of Federal Clean Water Act 401 Certifications from Massachusetts and New Hampshire, certifications from Massachusetts and New Hampshire Coastal Zone Management Federal Consistency Reviews, and Federal concurrences from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service regarding endangered species, EPA will publish a Notice of Availability of the final 2016 RGP in the Federal Register. The 2016 RGP will supersede the expired 2010 RGP upon the effective date specified in the Federal Register.
Thank you -
Andrea Eagan, Woodard & Curran & Jason Chrzanowski, GZA GeoEnvironmental