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LSPA Awards WES Professional Practice Grant

The LSPA is pleased to announce that a $2,100 WES Professional Practice Grant (WES Grant) has been awarded to a team who will conduct an "Evaluation of Elevated Background Concentrations of Lead in Urban Fill in the City of Boston, Massachusetts."  

This proposal was submitted by Mike Penzo, LSPA Past President, who will lead the project team, and Daniel Difrancesco, an undergraduate student at Bridgewater State University (BSU) and member of the BSU Student Chapter of the LSP Association, who will receive the WES Grant funds as a stipend for his research.
We look forward to learning more about their findings at a future LSPA membership meeting and in a subsequent newsletter article. Congratulations to Daniel and Mike!
How to Apply for a WES Grant
The WES Professional Practice Grant was established in honor of Wesley Simpson's longtime dedication and service to the LSPA. The purpose of the grant program is to advance the practice of rendering LSP Opinions and the professionalism of LSPs. 
Do you have an idea that you are interested in developing over the next six months or so that will produce a product contributing to the advancement of the state of the practice for the rendering LSP Opinions?
Do you want a little financial support to assist in assembling something that demonstrates the professionalism of LSPs participating in the MCP program?
The LSP Association is pleased to announce that up to $5,000 could be available to help complete your goal. Applications are accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis for the WES Grant. Program application information can be found on the LSPA website or by clicking here.
Here are some examples of topics discussed at various LSPA meetings that could benefit from more effort than is currently available at the LSPA board and committee level:
  • Update the LSPA's data base on the outcome of work completed in response to NOAFs by compiling data filed via BWSC Form 111.
  • Study and advise the LSPA on a scientific issue ("white paper") or a technical topic, for example coal ash, imminent hazard definition, telemetry.
  • Document the final resolution of waste disposal sites that were removed from the MCP process by filing a Downgradient Property Opinion.
  • Document the lines of evidence LSPs use to support the presence of Historic Fill and the removal of associated contamination from the risk characterization process.
All grant applications are evaluated by a three member WES Grant Review Committee. The committee then provides a recommendation to the LSPA Board of Directors, which votes on the awards.
Don't let those great ideas slip away - start the grant process by clicking here!
Please call 617.977.4304 or email [email protected] with any questions. 

August 2017 Newsletter

LSPA's August 2017 Member Newsletter has been published! Table of Contents is listed below. Please log in to your account and visit Member Materials to view the full newsletter.

In this Issue....

Remediation General Permit Presentation

The instructors from the June 2017 LSPA Course, “Meeting the Requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Remediation General Permit”, have updated the presentation slides because the regulations were still being revised around the same time the RGP was being issuedThe presentation has been posted for your information.  It can be found in the Member Materials section of the LSPA website, under Technical Resources. More details can be found on the EPA website:

MassDEP Launches Online Permitting

Phase I of The Energy and Environmental Information and Public Access System (EIPAS) is now LIVE!

MassDEP Commissioner Suuberg is pleased to announce that the first phase of the Energy and Environmental Information and Public Access System (EIPAS) has been released. With this release, the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA) has implemented online permitting for MassDEP permits in the Toxic Use Reduction, Solid Waste, Hazardous Waste, Drinking Water and Air Quality Programs. There are plans for additional permits to go online in 2018. Two data portals have also been released: 
  • One data portal will enable online submission of public comments on applicable permit applications
  • The second data portal will allow for searching of MassDEP permit, inspection, facility and enforcement data. 

Additional data will be exposed in the data portal in 2018. 

Click here to read the official press release and to explore the data portals.

Compliance Tip for August 2017

August 2, 2017
The LSPA presents the following monthly compliance tip for August 2017:

Exposure Point Concentrations (EPCs)
As you develop your EPCs for a site, remember to evaluate your data to see if there are hotspots present in any of your media. A hotspot is a location which has a Contaminant of Concern concentration > 100x higher than surrounding locations. Hotspots are considered distinct EPCs and must be separately evaluated in the risk characterization. Typically, at least five sampling points are necessary to have insight into the variability of a data set.

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LSPA Scholarship Fund Raises Over $15,000 for Educational Scholarships

The LSPA Scholarship Fund hosted its fourth annual golf tournament on June 14, 2017 at the Highfields Golf Course in Grafton, MA. We had a record of 132 golfers and everyone had a great time! Here is a link to the event photo album – please download and share your favorite images. All photography credits go to Thomas Barrasso.

This year’s tournament filled up quickly and we had to close registration several weeks before the event. Please be sure to mark your calendars for next year’s tournament so you don’t miss out! It will be held on Thursday, June 14, 2018 at the Highfields Golf Course in Grafton, MA.

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LSPA Scholarship Fund Names 2017-2018 Recipients

At the LSPA June Membership Meeting, four educational scholarships were presented by Bill Betters, President of the LSPA Scholarship Fund. The LSPA Scholarship Fund supports individuals pursuing undergraduate or graduate education in environmental fields in Massachusetts and other New England states. Since 2003, the LSPA Scholarship Fund has presented over 39 scholarships totaling more than $160,000.     

Congratulations to this year’s scholarship recipients:

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Upcoming Events with LSPA's Young Professionals Committee

Charles River Watershed Association Invasive Species Cleanup with SAME!
July 26, 2017 at 5:00 PM
Come out and enjoy a fun night with the LSPA Young Professionals and the SAME Boston Post Young MembersWe invite you to participate in the Charles River Watershed Association (CRWA) Invasive Species Cleanup on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 from 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM. Everyone is welcome! 
From canoes, we will be removing the invasive species of water chestnuts and helping the natural ecosystem of the Charles River. Please dress accordingly, you will likely get dirty and wet: sneakers or water shoes, shorts, tshirts (preferably polyester).

We will meet at Boating in Boston at Newton Historic Boathouse, 2401 Commonwealth Avenue (Rte 30), Newton (Auburndale), MA. Parking is available at the Boating in Boston parking lot at the end of Norumbega Road.
To RSVP, please email Anne MacMillan. There is no cost to participate in this event. 


EBC End of Summer Bash - Co-Hosted by the LSPA Young Professionals Committee
September 19, 2017 at 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Get out and meet your fellow energy and environmental young professionals at the EBC's End-of-Summer Bash! Enjoy a variety of appetizers (fried mac & cheese bites! bratwurst sliders!) and craft beer at Coppersmith, a converted warehouse in South Boston just a five minute walk from the Red Line. You'll meet professionals from every corner of the sector - water and wastewater, energy, renewable energy, construction and sustainable buildings, environmental engineers and consultants... you name it, they'll be there!
A $25 registration fee includes appetizers and a drink ticket and goes directly toward offsetting the cost of the venue and provisions. Learn more about the event or click here to register.

LSPA Announced Leadership Changes to Board of Directors

The LSP Association (LSPA) is announcing leadership changes to the Board of Directors as well as the appointment of two new Board members. These changes took effect on July 1, 2017 and were announced to the membership at the LSPA monthly meeting, held on June 8, 2017 in Westborough, MA.  

Marilyn Wade, LSP, Managing Engineer for Brown and Caldwell, has been appointed President of the LSP Association (LSPA). Wade is currently serving a second term on the LSPA Board of Directors. During her previous term, she served as President-Elect and Treasurer. 

Jeanine Grachuk, Esq, a Partner and Environmental Attorney with Beveridge & Diamond, P.C. of Wellesley, MA, will begin serving her second 3-year term on the Board of Directors and will continue to serve as Clerk.

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LSPA Field Course: Sediment, Surface Water, and Biota Sampling Methods to Support MCP Assessments

We received great feedback from attendees on the LSPA Field Course: Sediment, Surface Water, and Biota Sampling Methods to Support MCP Assessments which was held on June 22 at Woods Hole Group in East Falmouth, MA and nearby wetlands and waterfront. The weather cooperated and made for a beautiful day out on the water! 

Participants learned the advantages and limitations of the various sampling techniques by conducting the sampling directly. Sampling was done both from shore and in workboats- collection of bottom dwelling organisms (e.g. invertebrates), sediment for toxicity testing and grain size analysis, fish, plants, water quality data (dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature, salinity profiles), surface water, and deep water and sediment samples for chemical analysis.

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WES Grant Applications Now Accepted on Rolling Basis

Do you have an idea that you are interested in developing over the next six months or so that will produce a product contributing to the advancement of the state of the practice for the rendering of LSP Opinions?
Do you want a little financial support to assist in assembling something that demonstrates the professionalism of LSPs participating in the MCP program?
The LSP Association is pleased to announce that up to $5000 could be available to help complete your goal. Applications are accepted throughout the year on a rolling basis for The WES Professional Practice Grant Program (WES Grant). Program application information can be found on the LSPA website or by clicking here.

Here are some examples of items discussed at various LSPA meetings that could benefit from more effort than is currently available at the LSPA board and committee level:
  • Update the LSPA's data base on the outcome of work completed in response to NOAFs by compiling data filed via BWSC Form 111.
  • Study and advise the LSPA on a scientific issue ("white paper") or a technical topic, for example coal ash, imminent hazard definition, telemetry.
  • Document the final resolution of waste disposal sites that were removed from the MCP process by filing a Downgradient Property Opinion.
  • Document the lines of evidence LSPs use to support the presence of Historic Fill and the removal of associated contamination from the risk characterization process
All grant applications are evaluated by a three member WES Grant Review Committee. The committee then provides a recommendation to the LSPA Board of Directors, which votes on the awards.

Don't let those great ideas slip away - start the grant process by clicking here!

LSPA Unveils June's Compliance Tip of the Month

June 12, 2017
The LSPA unveiled the following monthly compliance tip on June 8, 2017 at the LSPA Membership Meeting in Westborough, Massachusetts.

Every three years following issuance of her/his license, an LSP must demonstrate that s/he has earned a minimum of 48 continuing education credits.  Of these, at least 12 of the 48 credits must be earned at LSP Board-approved “DEP Course(s)”.  
No fewer than 8 credits must be from LSP Board-approved courses classified as “Regulatory.” The balance of the 48 required credits may be earned by attending any LSP Board-approved course, conference, or conference workshop. 
 309 CMR 3.09(3)(a) and (b)
 Three things to remember:
  1. Some “DEP Courses” are also “Regulatory.” 
  2. But not all “Regulatory” courses are also “DEP Course(s).”
  3. If a course is classified as a “DEP Course” and a “Regulatory” course (listed as “DEP Course” Regulatory or DEP/Regulatory), it can be applied toward both the 12-credit “DEP Course” requirement and the 8-credit “Regulatory” requirement.

Click here to view all published compliance tips. This document is also posted in the Members Only section of the website under Technical Resources.

New Soil Disposal Guidance for 21J Fund

In the past few months, the 21J Board has issued two new policies that provide clarification and guidance on collecting and submitting documentation for the reimbursement of soil excavation and disposal as part of an MCP Response Action.   

This action is taken as a result of the fact that, over the past year, the majority of claims involving soil disposal are likely to be initially denied, and then being heard in "conference" i.e. before a panel of 21J Board members for further consideration of the validity of the claims and charges.
These two newest 21J Fund policies can be found here.
The specific documents are:
  • Policy For Reimbursement Of Petroleum Product "Impacted" Soil On April 26, 2017, the 21J Board revised its policy on the reimbursement of the disposal of "contaminated" soil to include a portion of the related "impacted" soil of up to 25% of the eligible "contaminated" soil tonnage disposed offsite.   
When you are contemplating soil excavation at a 21J reimbursable Site, please refer to this guidance in order to maximize cost recovery.
Thank you,
Michael A. Penzo, PG, CPG, LSP
LSP Association President

LSPA Requests Nominations for the 2017 Contribution to the Practice Awards

The LSP Association requests your nominations for our 2017 "Contribution to the Practice" Awards, to be presented at our Annual Dinner Meeting on Thursday, October 26, 2017.

If you know of a deserving candidate and wish to nominate the person and/or organization, please email Kristi Lefebvre, LSPA Communications Manager, at [email protected] with the nominee's name, award category and supporting materials. The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, August 1, 2017.    
Nominations are solicited in the following categories:
  • The LSPA Member Award is presented to an LSPA Member in recognition of leadership, commitment, and contributions to the LSPA organization and membership over the previous year.
  • The LSPA Service Award is presented to an individual or organization in recognition of service to/support of the LSP Association and its mission; service may be in the form of in-kind services, financial or other support. This award is for service over the previous year.
  • The Contribution to the Practice Award is presented to an individual or organization from the public, non-profit, or private sector for outstanding contributions to the practice and advancing the profession over the previous year. Attributes may include creativity in balancing economic development with environmental values, practical approaches to regulatory compliance, and innovative initiatives in technology and sustainability.
  • The Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to an individual in recognition of distinguished and continued contributions over 25 years or more to the advancement of science, standards, or professionalism in the field of site assessment and remediation under MGL c. 21E. The awardee must:
    • Be an LSP or someone in the supporting professions, and
    • Demonstrate commitment to the LSPA. This might include participation in the LSPA at a leadership level, e.g. founding member, committee chair, Board member or officer; or partnership with the LSPA through leadership level participation in a related organization.
Nomination applications should include the following:
  • The name and affiliation of the nominator and his or her relationship to the nominee.
  • For individuals, the name and title of the person and organization with which s/he is associated. For organizations, include the name and title of the key contact, and the specific name of the division, office, or department nominated. Be as specific as possible.
  • A narrative statement of no more than 2 pages describing the focus of the nomination and the nature of the contributions. The nominator will be contacted if the LSPA Board requires additional information.  
  • For the Contribution to the Practice Award, please include the names, affiliations, and contact information for at least three individuals who can attest to the contributions. 
The LSPA Board of Directors will review the letters of nomination and supporting materials for all nominees, and will contact references if appropriate. The Board will discuss and then vote on nominees. Awards are made at the sole discretion of the LSPA Board of Directors. Awards are not always made in each category. There may be more than one award presented in any category.
Over the years, these awards have been highly regarded by the recipients as well as LSPA members and colleaguesThe goodwill created by this program helps promote a positive image of LSPs and the Massachusetts privatized program.
To view the list of prior award recipients, please click here.
Thank you for your participation.
Michael Penzo, CPG, PG, LSP, LSPA President


Drilling 101 at Technical Drilling Services

Here are some photographs from last night’s event, Drilling 101which was held at Technical Drilling Services (TDS) in Sterling, MA. TDS demonstrated various drilling and monitoring well installation methods used commonly throughout the industry. TDS also provided equipment and technique demonstrations. We had a great turn-out and would like to thank the LSPA Young Professionals Committee for organizing this fabulous event! 

Please click here to view the photo album.

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LSPA Testifies at State House

Legislative committee leaders are getting to know the LSPA on Beacon Hill.

This week, the LSPA was pleased to be invited by the Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources, and Agriculture to testify at an oversight hearing on landfills and solid waste.  The LSPA was well represented by Dot McGlincy, Co-Chair of our Legislative Committee, who offered the LSPA's observations and fielded questions from committee co-chairs.  We also submitted written testimony.
Earlier in the day, Mike Penzo, LSPA President, testified in favor of an extension of the Brownfields Tax Credit.  And, last week, Dot McGlincy also testified in opposition to a bill on the reuse of soil for reclamation projects. (It's not that the LSPA doesn't support the use of soil for reclamation projects, it's that this bill was highly problematic).


We expect to return to "the Hill" next week for meetings with key legislative leaders. Stay tuned for more updates.

LSPA 2017 Board of Directors Election

Voting will open on Wednesday, May 10, 2017 for the 2017-2018 LSP Association (LSPA) Board of Directors election. Board positions will take effect July 1, 2017. 
Ballots will be sent by email to all LSPA members, both Full and Associate. We encourage all members to vote.
The LSPA's 9-member Board of Directors is composed of LSPA members who combine experience in environmental work with a passion for supporting and promoting the LSP practice. Current LSPA Board members are shown here.
Provided below are the candidates on this year's ballot. There were no members who petitioned to be on the election ballot. 
Three 3-year positions, from 2017 - 2020:
  • Jeanine Grachuk, Environmental Attorney and Principal, Beveridge & Diamond, Wellesley, MA.  Ms. Grachuk, who currently serves as the LSPA's Clerk, is completing her first 3-year term on the LSPA Board.   
  • Lauren Konetzny, LSP, Project Manager, CDW Consultants, Inc., Framingham, MA. Lauren is currently Co-Chair of the LSPA's Legislative Committee, is a past Chair of the LSPA's Young Professionals Committee, and is a member of the LSPA's Technical Practices Committee.   
  • Michele Paul, LSP, Director of Environmental Stewardship, City of New Bedford, MA. Ms. Paul is a longtime member of the LSPA Education Committee, including having served as the Chair and currently as Co-Chair. She is also a member of the LSPA's Legislative Committee.
The Board of Directors believes that these three candidates have demonstrated their commitment to the Association and are well-positioned to ensure its continuing success.
To view the candidates' statements of interest and photos, click here.
New Board members will be announced at the LSPA monthly membership meeting on Thursday, June 8, 2017 at the Doubletree Hotel in Westborough, MA, from 6:00 - 8:00 PM.
If you have questions or comments, please contact Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director at [email protected] or 617-484-4027.
Thank you for your participation,
Michael A. Penzo, LSP
LSP Association President

March for Science - Boston

The LSPA was pleased to sponsor the March for Science Boston this past weekend. Several thousand people attended the rally that took place on the Boston Common on Saturday, April 22nd, 2017. According to, here are some of the best signs from the event!

The LSPA had many members on hand to represent the association - including our Bridgewater State University Student Chapter! We had a booth at the event and distributed information and materials. 

Above image: Faculty Advisor, Michael A. Penzo, with LSPA's Bridgewater State University Student Chapter. Below image: Mike Penzo, Anne MacMillan, Dot McGlincy, and Lars Andresen.representing LSPA at the March for Science.

The March for Science Boston is a non-partisan rally for science that celebrates discovery, understanding, and sharing of scientific knowledge as crucial to the success, health, and safety of our species and planet. There was an excellent line up of speakers, click here to see the full list.

For more information on the event, please visit:

April Membership Meeting at Bridgewater State University

Thank you to all who attended the LSPA's April Membership Meeting at Bridgewater State University -home of the LSPA’s first student chapter! We were excited to see so many LSPA members interacting with BSU students, faculty and staff. We also had a great turnout of BSU alum who are LSPA members - way to represent!  

Representatives of BSU's LSPA Student Chapter, along with faculty advisor Michael Penzo. 

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Action Needed By Friday on 21J Fund Budget Amendment

The LSPA is requesting that you outreach to your state representative to urge his/her support of House Amendment #603 to the proposed FY 2018 state budget (H. 3600). House Amendment #603 would increase the state appropriation to the 21J Fund from $6 million to $10 million. The LSPA supports this amendment and we are told to expect a vote on it as early as this coming Monday, April 24th.
The amendment was sponsored jointly by Rep. Kafka (D-Sharon) and Rep. Brad Jones (R-North Reading), and they are currently the only sponsors. More bill sponsors may provide the support needed to get this passed by the House Ways and Means Committee. 
The 21J Fund is seriously underfunded annually; an approximately $6 million deficit in unpaid claims (claims processed and approved but unable to be paid) is projected for the end of FY 2017. For more background information, read this article from the most recent LSPA newsletter.   
The time is now! The more voices the better. Please email or call your state representative to urge him/her to support this amendment. Four simple points will do: 
  • Please sign on as a co-sponsor to House Amendment 603 and please speak to House leadership in support of the amendment.
  • The Fund's primary purpose is to ensure the cleanup of drinking water, groundwater, and soils following a spill or leak of petroleum.
  • Without sufficient funding, the 21J Fund cannot pay its stakeholder group of claimants for their cleanup actions. Contractors, equipment suppliers and other vendors maintain an employment and sales workforce in the Commonwealth. This results in income, employment and sales tax for the Commonwealth.   
  • The majority of petroleum dispensing facilities are owned by home grown, family-owned petroleum marketing companies that have operated and evolved in their home state of Massachusetts for several decades - not by big oil companies.   
Feel free to contact Wendy Rundle, LSPA Executive Director at [email protected] with any questions or comments.

Thank you,
Michael A. Penzo, CPG, PG, LSP
LSPA President
Dot McGlincy, LSP, and Lauren Konetzny, LSP
Co-Chairs, LSPA Legislative Committee